Westlanders United 4:2 Club Funky
Goals: Vijay 6,Sophian 55'70,Navin 80
Assists: Navin,Vijay,Sathya,Prabha
Man of the match: Sophian produced a committed display topped with an winner for the team.
Goal of the match: Navin's longshot which ended the game,clever move after the Westlanders Ace saw the keeper out of his line.
Save of the match: Kishore's awareness kept Westlanders alive after he made the save when Santhiran losed the ball in Westlanders penalty box.
Talking points: Do the Rising Stars only play well when there is a need to? Have Westlanders realised that potential within?
Westlanders had a great game and a well-deserved win.The opponents were also skillful and gave us a fight to the end of the game.We must keep our spirits high if we are going to stay anywhere near the top of the table.Let's take this as a great start and keep up the good work.Staying strong together is the key right now.Every Westlanderian must be in full fitness as we have games rushing in...Keep up the excellent job.
Urging all players to check out the fixtures list. (Check as often as possible;dates may change anytime)After next week's game,we need to be fit and really need to stay commited as we will be having 4 games in 2 weeks.There will games on fridays and saturdays too.All players are to try their very best to re-arrange other appointments.We cannot postpone games any more nor do we want to field a weaker team.We are going to finish this league with our best possible effort,so let's do this as one.
Our games in Jurong stadium is a personal milestone for Westlanders United,as we are playing in a stadium turf for the first time.Therefore,players are encouraged to call down the family members,friends,girlfriends for the games to boost our high-flying spirits.
- (Send in your thoughts of the game and what you feel in comments)
Westlanders Calender to view all Westlanders appointment.Sign in with hotmail address and view our pictures and dates.Our photo-taking session is also stated there.
P.s I think we have luck with the green jersey...Green is the colour!